Heliotropium[1] is found in Æthiopia, Africa, and Cyprus: it is of a leek-green colour, streaked with blood-red veins. It has been thus named,[2] from the circumstance that, if placed in a vessel of water and exposed to the full light of the sun, it changes to a reflected colour like that of blood; this being the case with the stone of Æthiopia more particularly. Out of the water, too, it reflects the figure of the sun like a mirror, and it discovers eclipses of that luminary by showing the moon passing over its disk. In the use of this stone, also, we have a most glaring illustration of the impudent effrontery of the adepts in magic, for they say that, if it is combined with the plant[3] heliotropium, and certain incantations are then repeated over it, it will render the person invisible who carries it about him.
Hephæsititis[4] also, though a radiant stone, partakes of the
properties of a mirror in reflecting objects. The mode of
testing it is to put it into boiling water, which should immediately
become cold. If exposed to the rays of the sun, it
should instantly cause dry fuel to ignite:[5] Corycus[6] is the
place where it is found. Hermuaidoion[7] is so called from the
Hormiscion[14] is one of the most pleasing stones to the sight;
it is of a fiery colour, and emits rays like gold, tipped at the
extremity with a whitish light. Hyænia[15] is derived from the
eyes of the hyæna, it is said, the animal being hunted to obtain
it; placed beneath the tongue, if we believe the story,
it will enable a person to prophesy the future. Hæmatitis,[16]
of the very finest quality, comes from Æthiopia, but it is found
in Arabia and Africa as well. It is a stone of a blood-red
colour, and we must not omit to mention the assurance given
[by the magicians], that the possession of it reveals treacherous
designs on the part of the barbarians. Zachalias of Babylon,
in the books which he dedicated to King Mithridates, attributing
the destinies of man to certain properties innate in
precious stones, is not content with vaunting the merits of this
stone as curative of diseases of the eyes and liver, but recommends
it also as ensuring success to petitions addressed to
kings. He also makes it play its part in lawsuits and judg-